It's known that women always try to pick up different pair of shoes for a different outfit. Alterre is an innovative line of modular shoes for the modern woman. By the way, hese shoes will reduce the weight of your luggage for a summer trip (frankly speaking, I always take a lot of pairs with me).
Alterre shoes are created to be comfortable above all. Who cares if they interchange if you can't wear them for more than a couple of hours? These shoes that were wider at the ball of the foot than the average women's shoe, with heel heights tested for comfort. And let's not forget added foam padding under the sock liner to make them perfect for all day wear.
How they work?
What makes this line so unique is that you can change the looks (straps) between heel heights. This way you can actually change what your shoe looks like to match the occasion.
Believe it or not, designing looks that change between heel heights is pretty tough. The shape of your foot changes with the incline of the shoe you are wearing, making it difficult for a look to fit comfortably both ways.
Why not make the heels interchangeable you ask? When you move around the heel height on a fixed shoe it effects the balance and fit. Think about the weird feeling you get walking when the rubber on your heel wears off. It's because the heel has changed heights.
Alterre shoes are designed in New York City but produced with fair labor in Brazil. They work with shoe experts with more than 30 years experience both here and there to bring you a shoe that is expertly crafted.
All Alterre shoes are made with genuine leather that is sourced locally in Brazil. Yes the leather is a bit more expensive than other parts of the world, but you deserve it. The company also likes sourcing it and other components directly in Brazil because it reduces their carbon footprint overall.
I also like the position of the company:
We believe that as fashion designers we inherently create waste, so we tried to make a shoe that lessens that impact. Because the looks are interchangeable, you only have one base lift and many shoes, meaning less plastic heels.Strong woman inspire creators of Alterre shoes and, to my mind, everyone who buy these wonderful shoes will feel the care.
Наш мир всегда изменяется. Конечно же, изменения касаются и мира моды. Сейчас многие дизайнеры заботятся о комфорте и удобстве современных женщин.
Практически все женщины подбирают разные пары туфель к разным образам и ситуациям. Alterre - это инновация в мире обуви. Это модульные туфли специально для вечно занятых современных женщин. Кстати, время летних поездок уже началось, а такие туфли очень сильно облегчат ваш чемодан (честно, я тоже всегда беру с собой кучу пар, которые занимают достаточно места).
Эти туфли удобнее, чем обычная модельная женская обувь: они шире и высота каблука отвечает комфортному положению стопы.
Кстати, можно менять не только застёжки, но и высоту каблука. Это очень удобно, особенно когда в один день происходят как официальные, так и неофициальные мероприятия.
Компания расположена в Нью-Йорке, но почти все материалы производятся в Бразилии, потому что Alterre Shoes хотят сохранять природные ресурсы. Мне также нравится, что они не хотят создавать "мусора" в мире моды.
Покупая Alterre вы получаете возможность сэкономить деньги и менять свой образ в течение дня. Мне очень нравится эта идея (это прикольно :D), поэтому я рассказала вам о них.
The link: http://www.alterreny.com https://www.kickstarter.com/projects/354542203/alterre-shoes-a-21-in-1-shoe-as-versatile-as-you
This post is sponsorred by Alterre and BrandBacker.
The link: http://www.alterreny.com https://www.kickstarter.com/projects/354542203/alterre-shoes-a-21-in-1-shoe-as-versatile-as-you
This post is sponsorred by Alterre and BrandBacker.
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